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Puffing billy - the heritage steam railway

When the steam engine of the tiny train puffs to run through the spiral railway track of Dandenong range of Melbourne, Australia it gives me the through-back of our four functional mountain railway: Matheran Railway, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway ( DHR), Nilgiri Mountain Railway (NMR) and Kalka-Shimla railway. 

Puffing at Dandenong range's curve

This narrow gauge ( 2 ft 6 inch) heritage railway in the southern foothill of Dandenong range of the Melbourne, Australia was built 1900 to serve the local communities who were live in the hills. Alike our Darjeeling Himalayan Railway ( DHR), Nilgiri Mountain Railway (NMR), Kalka-Shimla railway the purpose of Australia's Puffing billy railway was similar to carrying anything from livestock, timbers, potatoes, passengers, plants from the land to the hillock of the mountain's range. Though I am saying Dandenong range as mountain but it's a hill only as height is not that much.

Puffing billy was built in the same time zone when DHR was built to function in our Himalayan route. The mind-blowing scenic beauty of this railway track definitely will catch you. Puffing billy is a non-profit steam railway that connects people with the past, the pristine environment and each other.

The most interesting part in this toy-train ride is the seating arrangement. It invites us to ride in open-side carriages with our legs out as you journey over the hills, down the autumn's flowery valley and into the lush forest on the original mountain track between Belgrave to Gembrook.

Except the Christmas day the train is running every day. There are 5 routes and you can choose tickets accordingly.

Me and my sister took a joy ride in this railway from Belgrave to Lakeside station and journey took 4 hours. To reach Belgrave from Werribee that is a main journey. So here it:

Werribee rail station to Flinder's st. rail station. 

There is a direct train from Flinder's st. to Belgrave but due to maintenance work some stations were not functional so I took train from Flinder's st. to Campbell. 

From Campbell need to take bus till Box-hill station and from there again took a train till Belgrave. Few stations between Campbell to Box-hill were not in function so temporarily the bus route was operating.

Adding photos and Videos to describe in details. 

POV: The normal practice is to wave your hand whoever used to see the train throughout the journey. This wooden creek is the attractive part of the railway.  

POV: The passing valley of puffing billy railway.

 POV: The sitting arrangement : see the vast shallow valley, long ferns, large trees, blue sky and enjoy the favourite blend of your coffee. 

POV: The vibrant colourful autumn trees and standing hand holding, the valley is really beautiful and the whistle buzz with steam puff definitely gives immense pleasure of nature.

POV: The butterflies running along with the train they are not competing just flying with the flow of this giant iron body.

POV: The perfect puff of the train, whistle buss, the mountain's beautiful curves and the valley. Enjoy your open window sitting.

POV: A different angle of the railway track along with Puff and Whistle buzz.

POV: The slow-mo swim style of Mandarin duck in the emerald lake.

POV: The beauty of Dandenong range from the train's open window.

 POV: The level crossing in the railway.

 POV: The narrow route of narrow gauge seems the train is running through a canal.  

 POV:  see the people reaction of happiness of this train ride.

 POV: the vast jungle with large trees, floating clouds, puff of steam and the Creek's sound.


Jui posing at the entry point 

Belgrave station: the entry point of puffing billy train ride.

train time logged in the clock, whereas Jui clicking the tickets with station area

post box, you can drop your letter to send your loved one

Us: happy moment

Souvenir shop adjacent to Belgrave station

what to buy ? 

Currently 2 engines are running 12A & 8A.

heritage train with heritage look

the steam engine puffing at the Belgrave station

i am not expert of selfie. 

The conductor of train. Here people used to do volunteering for the heritage train service.   

He is fond to people and asked all of us to pose where he will click the photos with the train and engine. 

the ride yet to start

the open window sitting arrangement.

Posing with the 12A engine body

12A engine's history

She lived in the Dandenong range area

Jui posing with 8A engine, that is the morning's train

the lower seats and the open window seats.

Lakeside station, our destination

This was our train engine.

entrance of Lakeside museum

Lakeside museum

Using the railway track for photography

emerald lake

pano view of the lake

Our 'chinnar ka patta' or the maple leaf

take a rest after the train-ride.


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